Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta on Wednesday ordered a night time curfew to curb the spread of the coronavirus, while taking a massive pay cut and unveiling tax breaks to ease the economic impact of the crisis on citizens.
In a lengthy address to the nation, Kenyatta warned he would not hesitate to take “more drastic measures” if Kenyans did not make efforts to limit the spread of the virus which has sickened 28 in the country.
“Effective Friday 27 March 2020 there will be a daily curfew from 19:00 to 05:00,” across the country, Kenyatta said.
This would exclude those authorised to move around such as medical professionals and critical and essential service providers.
Referring to the fight against the virus as an “ongoing war”, Kenyatta made a series of announcements to ease the anxiety of millions fearful of income loss in the East African hub.
Tax relief
He ordered 100% tax relief for people earning a gross monthly income of up to 24,000 shillings (about $226), considered the average salary in Kenya.
He also cut the maximum income tax rate from 30% to 25% and the VAT rate from 16% to 14%.