2020-05-25 09:07

This Africa Day we are reminded once again that the solutions to Africa’s problems, be they overcoming disease or eradicating poverty and underdevelopment, reside within Africa itself, writes President Cyril Ramaphosa in his weekly newsletter.

Dear Fellow South

Today marks 57 years since the leaders of 32 independent
African nations met in Addis Ababa to establish the Organisation of African
Unity (OAU), the precursor to the African Union.

The preamble of the OAU charter is a rousing call to unity,
cross-cultural understanding and solidarity. Like the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, the UN Charter and the South African Constitution, it affirms the
inalienable right of all people to control their own destiny.

We mark Africa Day this year just over three months since the
first case of coronavirus on the continent was confirmed. This pandemic has
been a stark reminder that regardless of whether we are born into wealth or
indigence, we are all mortal, and can succumb to disease.

As countries around the world battle to turn the tide against
the pandemic, Africa has taken firm control of its destiny, by developing a
clear strategy and raising financial resources from its member states.

The African response to the coronavirus pandemic has received
widespread praise. Despite the multitude of resource challenges they face,
African countries have come together in remarkable ways, united by a common

The countries of the Global South are more vulnerable to the
impacts of Covid-19 because of low levels of development, insufficient
resources and weak health systems.

Countries ranking low on human development indices, many of
which are in Africa, are less capable to manage the fallout of a global health
emergency of this kind on their own.

Yet at the same time, some of the very health challenges
African countries have wrestled with for decades have given us a clear
understanding of what needs to be done, and how to do it.

The unprecedented nature of the pandemic caught many
countries both unaware and unprepared. Much of what we witnessed in the early
days of the outbreak was governments in western countries struggling with
containment because so much about the virus was unknown. It was not something
the world has experienced for over a century.

African countries have been able to use their experience in
managing outbreaks of malaria, cholera, HIV, TB and hemorrhagic viruses like
Ebola and Lassa. Our understanding of communicable diseases and how to manage
them has put us in good stead when it comes to coronavirus. 

African governments have been swift and proactive in
implementing measures to flatten the coronavirus curve.

 By early May, 43 African countries had full border closures,
53 had closed institutions of learning, 54 had limited public gatherings, 26
had instituted the compulsory use of face masks, 32 had instituted night-time
curfews and 18 had imposed nation-wide lockdowns

The African Union developed a comprehensive Joint Continental
Strategy to guide cooperation between member states and set up a Covid-19
Response Fund. A number of countries, including South Africa, have rolled out
massive food relief and social assistance measures to support the vulnerable
during this time. 

Although there have been severe shortcomings and constraints,
such as the shortage of personal protective equipment, testing kits and
ventilators, there have also been stories of excellence and intercontinental

One such example is the work of the African Centres for
Disease Control (ACDC) and prevention, a world-class institution with
capabilities for disease surveillance and intelligence and health emergency
preparedness and response.

African countries have scaled up their respective capacities
for screening, testing and isolating. In April, the AU and the ACDC launched
the Partnership to Accelerate Covid-19 testing to strengthen testing capacity
in vulnerable countries, with the aim of testing 10 million people over the
next six months. Through this partnership warehousing and distribution hubs are
being set up across the continent to distribute medical supplies. The aim is to
pool the procurement of diagnostics and other medical commodities.

The deployment of community health workers to do screening,
testing, contact tracing and case management is happening in many African
countries, and draws heavily on our experience with HIV and TB.

African nations have also joined the race to produce test
kits, with Senegal in an advanced stage of developing a low-cost testing kit.

At lease 25 African countries have registered clinical trials
for possible Covid-19 treatments, including for the BCG vaccine,
hydroxychloroquine, antiretrovirals and Remdesivir, and as part of the global
Solidarity clinical trials.

Whether it is in repurposing health protocols used with other
infectious disease outbreaks, rapidly deploying health care workers to
communities, or in launching mobile Covid-19 testing labs to improve national testing
capacities, Africa is working proactively to overcome this global threat. 

Though it is clear we will continue to rely on the support of
the international community and international financial institutions to bolster
the existing continental effort and build economic resilience, African
countries are holding their own.

This Africa Day we are reminded once again that the solutions
to Africa’s problems, be they overcoming disease or eradicating poverty and
underdevelopment, reside within Africa itself.

Although the coronavirus pandemic is not an African problem
alone, we have shown ourselves capable of agility and ingenuity. The work being
done to defeat the coronavirus is evidence of a continent determined to
leverage its strengths and capabilities to resolve its own challenges. This is
the premise on which the Organisation of African Unity was founded and it
continues to guide and inspire us as we strive to build a better life for all
of Africa’s people.

Wherever you may be at this time, I wish you a happy Africa

With best wishes,

President Cyril Ramaphosa.

By Dr Mercy Alu

I am a mother, HR consultant, author, Goodwill Ambassador with Globcal (a partner with UN on SDG's in Africa), coordinator with International Association of African Authors/Scholars, a songwriter/recording artist, researcher, and social anthropologist of sorts! I believe we should all live our best lives, and enjoy helping organizations and individuals perform better. I and my guest authors love to share information about the world around us; African events & Entertainment, plus lots of good information about Health, Wellness, Family, Book Publishing, Business, Relationships, Culture, Folk Stories, and much more. I speak several languages including French and Igbo (a West African Language). I enjoy research, writing, reading, singing and finding out lots of things about, well, lots of things! Knowledge is power. So information and knowledge gained from experiences, observation, all flavor the things I write about in the exciting blog portion of this website. Feel free to drop me a line or two, I also want to hear from you!

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